Contrast Magazine

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Contrast Magazine
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give me something because right

now all i’m getting is synthesizer and i can’t hear any voices just

keyboard crackle chocolate snap static and the faint buzz of 

me deleting the autocorrections i keep getting even though i don’t want

capitalization i want to express myself in feelings not grammar 


i can’t translate satisfaction to my teeth anymore and

isn’t that a symptom so

i took a walk and scrolled through instagram the whole way home

on the corner of my street and metaphysical wasteland a red car shot by me not

fast but shot as in the engines sounded like machine guns and in the moment i thought

one, the government is plotting to kill us all slowly and now is our time

two, the dc sniper is back (because, of course, you know) and

three, how unfair is it that other things can be killing don’t the murderers know the hospitals

can’t really handle stab wounds right now (if they were clean i wouldn’t really mind)

but it was just a car that looked like it would be shiny and fast but clearly wasn’t taken care of

like an easter bunny or halloween black cat that no one knows what to do with because

now it’s thanksgiving and it’s not really cat season and anyway mom’s sister is allergic

so no one’s taking care of medieval wedding dress red cars 

post-near death experience me thought about when people say that flowers blooming in

desolation are miracles and epitomized hope, eternal resilience,

but when i saw one flowering bush on my walk back all i thought was

can’t you read the room?

This piece is a part of our Spring 2020 Special Collection